Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Possibility

Master awakens
Influenced influencing
But bodies must die

Is there more to life
Developed does he live on
We can only hope

Caterpillar in
Emerging from chrysalis
Complete butterfly

Insects we are not
But the example serves us

Friday, September 18, 2015

At the Billiards Club

Junior was standing next to me, he is of short stature, and to make up for that he is quite muscular, he has a buzzed haircut, bright eyes, and loud, brassy tenor voice.  I said to him, "Were you a sailor because in my experience only sailors use the word 'fuck' more than you."  He replied, "Hell no, I've never been a sailor; fuck you."  He said this without malice, just a sort of matter-of-fact manner and went on to play his match at the table.

Another team mate said, "Yeah, I know what you mean."  "You know, when I'm around you, I try to clean up my language a little because I've noticed that you don't cuss very much."  This surprised me because I was not conscious of making any effort to not cuss in company of the team.

He went on, "I work in the West End and you wouldn't believe the kind of stuff I have to listen to every day."  "When I come home, and I live out here where the people are a lot nicer, I find that I have to cool off for a while every night just to get my head right so I can talk to people."

I said, "Yeah, I know what you mean."  "When I get home from here my wife says, 'You've been at the pool hall, haven't you.' "  He caught my drift right away and laughed out loud as he said, "Everything is relative!"