Thursday, October 22, 2015

Our Fairy Tale Life (Haiku)

Fairy tale stories
Ogres, Giants, Rivers, Chasms
The challenges of life

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Pool Playoffs (Haiku)

One needed to win

Safety, foul, then ball in hand

The hero du jour

Amour Disparate: He said; She said...(Haiku)

He said:
She was a tall one

Nose to nose my toes were in't

Toes to toes my nose

She said:
He was a tall one

Nose to nose between my feet

Toes to toes, oh dear

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Friends Far Away (Haiku)

A Portuguese friend
Proud to say she reads my posts
So I'll keep writing

A Portuguese friend
Proud to say he reads my posts
So I'll keep writing

Whoever you are
Take your pick from the above
Sentiment's the same

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Facebook Lament (Haiku)

I cannot like you
It's not that I dislike you
I just can't like you