Monday, March 28, 2016

Contact/ Or Not (Haiku)

Someone at the door
Ignore him, he'll go away
He does, leaves a card

The telephone rings
Too often, don't answer it
Leave me a message

I've got an Email
Too many, ignore them all
Fill up the inbox

Now there is Facebook
Posts and follows are rampant
Too many to see

Yet I sit alone
In a room full of people
And look at my screen

The one way to me
Is to get my attention
Going to my door

Round and round it goes
The getting of attention
Cycling forever

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Intelligent Choice (Haiku)

I will or I won't
Intelligent choices made
Change the course of life

Whom will I marry
From this will come the children
Slightly different

What is my calling
From this my contribution
A different world

We call it choosing
It is called evolution
When hindsight is used

When viewed at present
The changes seem minuscule
From afar they're vast

Thus we break records
Ever onward and upwards
Soon beyond the moon

There is a question
What fuels imagination
From which it all comes

All My Passions--Script Note

We just finished a run of performances of All My Passions, a play by Vin Moreale, in which I played the leading character, Everett Montague.  This is a Script note on that play/performance.

It is about a Soap Opera, All My Passions, and the show is sinking.  The leading man, Everett Montague, has become a liability to the show; 14 leading ladies in total and three of them in short succession.  The director, producer, and new head writer know that he has become a liability. 

Everett tells the producer of a past romance and she makes the connection of Everett to Eleanor, the primary sponsor of the show.  They all know that Everett has to go so Eleanor agrees to do it.

In the last scene, she gently removes Everett from the show. Everett enters the last scene in his costume, a smoking jacket, ascot, and toupee.  He takes them off.  After reuniting with Eleanore he puts on his blazer, which has been hanging on the hall tree for the entire performance from before the first curtain, and exits with Eleanor.  The End

The blazer is symbolic of his presence on the Soap; there until it, like he, is removed at the end.