Sunday, September 24, 2017

Acceptance (Haiku)

Have expectations?
They probably won't be met
So get over it.

Expectations met
Allow for satisfaction
A joyful feeling

It is what it is
Not good, not bad, not ugly
This is acceptance

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Development Gone Awry (Haiku)

Seeing it again
Like termites eating nature
A subdivision

Fields of corn and trees
Stripped graded desolated
Paved sodded landscaped

Leaving far behind
A crater once a city
But one can't escape

Termites have a queen
Ours is envy fear and greed
It cannot be stopped

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Mystery of Life (Haiku)

"There are currently seven billion people alive today and the Population Reference Bureau estimates that about 107 billion people have ever lived. This means that we are nowhere near close to having more alive than dead. In fact, there are 15 dead people for every person living.Feb 4, 2012"

Life-- is seen in us
Then discards us when finished
Life-- goes on

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Our Cat Butchie (Haiku)

It's not what you've got
But rather how you use it
That's what counts the most

When my son brought her home after rescuing her from neighborhood ruffians, he thought she was a male cat and named her Butch.  Sometime later we found out she was not and changed her name to Butchie.  She had a litter of kittens, from the tomcat next door, I'm sure.  There were four of them.
She had them out of doors in the front yard one afternoon when a neighborhood dog, several times her size, became curious and came towards her and her litter.  Butchie became twice her size, every hair on her body seemed to stand straight out; her tail was straight up and likewise inflated in size.  She hissed and charged the dog with claws extended.  The dog went scurrying away.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Another Hero Died Young (Haiku)

He's cool, he uses
Another hero is dead
You can be this cool

Sure it is poison
You can use it all the time
Just a little bit

If you want to die
Why not do it feeling good
This is your ticket

Pushers marketeers
Supply the feel good substance
Leaving fans to weep

Pushers marketeers
Getting rich from temptation
Go ahead, give in

You can be cool too
All you have to do is take this
See, I told you so

It can go for years
A few seconds off the clock
But it does add up

A Faustian deal
The devil comes for his due
Death is the end game