Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Door Way to Paradise (Haiku)

What's up about life?
Alcohol, weed, and opioides.
Looking for a door?

In the here and now
Is it all too much to bear
That we seek escape?

Walking the tight rope
Is more the analogy
Flirting with danger.

Going there and back
To the wilderness outside
A journey to hell.

Hunting the dragon.
Sometimes we slay the dragon,
Sometimes we get slain.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Going Out Now

I look at her, lying in her bed.
There's no discernible cause for alarm.

Blood sugar controlled,
Blood pressure in the normal to high range.
Respiration rate and oxygen levels enviable,
No indication of an illness.

Loved ones calling and caring.
Nurses and doctors doing their best..

Defiant, stubborn, to the end.
She can't say it but it becomes clear.
Is there a reason for going on?
I've known her a long time.

Dementia, her family suffers from it.
It is beginning now.

And she may not want to stay for it.

Friday, January 5, 2018

How You Dress (Haiku)

Dressing to incite
Then decrying the result
Just doesn't seem fair