Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Game (Haiku)

Sitting here, eyes closed
Needs currently satisfied
Ready for what's next

A pawn in the game
Moved by those in other worlds
The spiritual

Oh, I have my needs
Reminded by appetities
Sometimes distracted

But the game goes on
Moving on from here to there
A purpose fulfilled

Check mate!

Ps: This was originally posted on "John Lina" but it is more appropriately included in the "By John Lina" blog

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Spiritual Curiosity (Haiku)

Open not that door
Some doors aren't to be opened
Better left closed

Open the wrong door
You may not close it again
Or you can't close it

Walk into a room
There's a party going on
But it's not your kind

Now you can not leave
The shenanigans are gross
Those there have you trapped

Which is worse for us
To be forever tainted
Or simply not know

Sayonara baby!