Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Now and Then (Haiku)

The tenses of life
The past, present, and future
These define our life

The present is now
Actions that we are taking
Some desired some not

The now leads to then
Then, either controlled or not,
Unfolds as our life

Controlled with forethought
Upset by the uncontrolled
Keeps our interest

Dealing with upsets
Requires that we recover
Fix this, on to that

Keeping our focus
On what we want to happen
Moving on to it

Achieve then move on
Short respite to enjoy it
Then on to the next

The past is over
There for all the memories
The good and the bad

It cannot be changed
It's for lessons to be learned
Do again or not

The perfect tenses
For the hypothetical
May happen or not