Wednesday, April 15, 2020

From Triune to Trinity (Haiku)

There are three in us
To do all the things we do
Father, Son, Spirit

The Father dreams it
Conceives and quantifies it
Puts it into words

The Son takes the words
And sees them to completion
Works physically

The Spirit moves us
Provides the motivation
That gets us started

On a higher plane
Like the Holy Trinity
We are His likeness

Ps: Or maybe he is like we.

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Illusive (Haiku)

No matter how hard we try
Never realized

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Life Mysteries (Haiku)

Puzzles put aside
Seem to solve all by themselves
When again they're tried

Articles long lost
Found in obvious places
When they are replaced

St Anthony helps
To aid us in the finding
As Roman lares

Yet it continues
Found when we lose our patience
Answers and objects

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Coronovirus (Haiku)

Here and not going away
Isolate yourself

Today's pandemic
Of dubious origin
Demon gone viral

From where did it come
How long will it be with us
Demon from the lamp?

No cure no serum
No vaccine available
If you have it, hope

If you don't have it
Keep away from everyone
It spreads like a fog