Monday, November 25, 2013

Haiku Life

Human behavior
Is not mathematical
It's emotional

It is never dull
It can go this way or that
Not predictable

It's interesting
Just when we've figured it out
It takes a new turn

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

On the Other Side of Death

I’m tired,
So very tired,
I simply can’t,
I must rest.

My fingers will not grasp,
My legs will not stand,
My head will not stay up,
My chest slumps.

My body is slack,
My breath is effortless,
My brain is out of focus.
Lie  back, relax.

People, what people?
Promises, what promises?
Things, what things?
Nothing matters.

My eyes close
Slipping into the void
Of deep, restful,

The audience is gone,
The show is over.
The cast is here on stage
The theater is dark

Over there.
The form is familiar,
We go to it.

Full of anticipation
In a new place
That is not a place
But an existence.

Clamoring for answers
We are silenced by our guide.
Admonished to unite
And be one.