Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Californians (Haiku)

Take themselves entirely
Too seriously.

That Stuffed Shirt We All Know So Well (Haiku)

Overly impressed
With himself is how he died
Never having lived

His resume' packed
With honors and citations
He read with relish

The admonition
To ignore publicity
Somehow forgotten

Like Aesop's fable
The vain toad blew himself up
His ego's victim.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Michael's New SUV (Haiku on a changing lifestyle)

How deep will he sink
In the morass of middle class
Only time will tell

The green subaru
Given over to and sold
The scooter remains 

A vestige of self
As responsibility
Replaces the good life

Unsung Heros (Haiku on our sexuality)

Guys dress to play down
The sexuality that
Gals dress to play up

Attracting the man
Women can always say no
Men always say yes

Conditioned from youth
Each to their own apparel
Comfortable in clothes

The humble coutures
Play a significant role
In procreation.