Sunday, July 29, 2018

Reflections (Haiku)

Sitting in traffic
One of the seven billion
One car in the jam

Sitting in traffic
One of the seven billion
One person alive

Sitting in traffic
Looking to the left and right
Completely unique

So many yet only one
There is no other

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Whatcha Doin'? (Haiku)

Lifetime elapses
Whether or not you do it
Whatever it is.

Not having done it
May become disappointment
Be sure to do it.

Having done some things
You may wind up with regret
So be sure not to.

Decisions to do
All tempered by good judgement
Mostly turn out well.

Those from rash action
Causing beaucoup de problems
Often turn out bad.

Proceed with caution
Before your life is over
Do rather than not.

Doing anything
Is preferable to nil
Forgiveness is there.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Peace of Mind (Haiku)

When I am doing
What I am supposed to do
I feel happier

The difficulty
Lies in finding that which I
Am supposed to do