Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Faded Memory (Haiku)

There's no yesterday
Only twenty minutes, now,
There's no tomorrow

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

On Aging (Haiku)

Is this what it's like
Bit by every little bit
First the knees, then back

Exercise be damned
I think it is what hurt me
Not as young as then

Going day by day
Everything was going fine
And then suddenly

At once it happens
No warning, no signs
Simply numbing pain

Getting up or down
Measure each motion with care
Others have it too

Now I understand
The pain need not be stated
But it is felt there

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Brainwashing (Haiku)

Market subterfuge
Now homogenization
Mix and match couples

Subtle yet profound
Subliminal messages
Working on our minds

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dreamland (Haiku)

There sat I dreaming
Images of what and where
Were before my eyes

Then I realized
That I am living that dream
This is what and where

In my early years
This is what I had in mind
And now I've got it

This is where we live
This is what we are doing
Time to change the dream?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Making Changes (Haiku)

It is what it is.
Seeing changes to be made
Words enable them

In the beginning
Words must be said aloud
To self and others

Saying the words
To yourself repeatedly
They are inculcated

Only the right words
One must edit and revise
To find what will work

Then magically
Changes begin to occur
Right before your eyes