Thursday, March 5, 2015

Why? (Haiku)

Why do I do it?
Reading only my writings,
Reason avoids me.

Go towards pleasure?
Not what I see in review,
More overcoming.

Away from the pain?
Not necessarily so,
More overcoming.

Done for the money?
Net worth shows it is not so,
More overcoming.

A fighter inside;
Fighter, maybe warrior,
Not one to have fun.

Seeking the struggle.
The reward for all the work--
A breath on the slope.

Then onward, upward.
Sometimes on the same mountain
Sometimes another.

It seems important
To search for the Holy Grail
But never find it.

Important also
To see the demon dragons,
Slay them each in turn.

Some satisfaction
In reflection can be found.
Rest not on laurels.

Move on, find the next.
Dream, imagine, and decide.
Commence the struggle.

Ever the artist
Not working for the money
Strive for achievement.

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