Monday, July 17, 2017

Entre les Scénes ('Tween Scenes)

This is Kiss Me, Kate and we are doing our 6th performance, it is the matinee on Sunday.  After Act 1 I have a long time before I go on again for the final scene of the play.  I am writing this as I wait.

The show is good, won Emmy Awards in the 50's and was revised in the 90's.  It is played often in theater and high school productions.  Ours does not take a back seat to any.

The cast, except for me is young.  My guess is mid 20's and three a little older, maybe 40-45.  They are talented and energetic.  Directors don't rely on auditions alone for casting but have many names and talents in mind and on file upon whom to call.

We have had three directors due to circumstances and only three weeks rehearsal to put it on.  Yet, the play is a tremendous success because of the talented cast and hard working crew.

Costume are from inventory and appropriate to the play.  Since this is a play within a play we all have at least two, Shakespearean and contemporary.

The set is artistically designed and built to change easily from "play" to "backstage." It was constructed for this play only and will be struck after the last show.  It is bitter-sweet  to see sets struck.

We have four more performances and then six more in Central Park, in Louisville.  The Shakespeare stage there will be a new experience for me, outdoors in Central Park.  There will have been a grand total of 16 performances of the same show; I'll know it by then.

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