Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A Strange Sight Indeed

We, my wife and I, were going in on the ramp to I64 West from the Gene Snyder North the other day when we espied a committee of buzzards in the green area between the ramp and the interstate.  There were twenty of them, maybe a few more or less.  It was a rainy day not very cold but it is winter.  They may have been feeding, we couldn't tell.

Not a remarkable sight but wait.  We finished our business and were on the way home, about an hour later, when we again got on the Gene Snyder; returning north.  As we crossed the overpass of I64, there on the light standards, were the buzzards.  They had reconvened atop them, all twenty or so at five or six per standard, with their wings stretched out.  Just roosting there, with their wings out as if drying them.

They were there before we came onto the freeway and remained there after we passed.  All those buzzards, each with his wings spread out; quite a strange sight indeed.

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