Sunday, February 14, 2021

Into the Wilderness 2021

For the period of Lent, I will, again, go into the wilderness.  Moses did it and came out to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt, Jesus did it and came out with the basis of a new religion, and Muhammad did it with the same result.  Thoreau did it for a year in a cabin at Walden Pond.  There must be something about isolating oneself for a period of time that brings about a significant change.  My idea is to get as close to isolation as possible; in other words, to eliminate external influences on my thinking.


The rules:

1.    1.  Socialization and association only in response mode; i.e., initiating no contact but responding directly to contact when it's made.  This also precludes prolonging the contact beyond that for which it was initiated.   Contact to advance my acting career is not included in this prohibition.

2.      2  No electronics, including radio, television, and phonograph.

3.      3.  Telephone only to answer it and then according to Rule 1.

4.      4.  Email and Facebook checked twice daily; no social replies, comments, or posts.

5.      5.  Reading for the daily study of voice and acting books, is allowed.

6.      6.  Continue the development and use of self-hypnosis scripts.

7.     7.  Going out only to get groceries, necessities, or to exercise, play pool, or golf, and adhere to Rule Number 1  when out.

8.      8.  Reduce or eliminate snacking between meals, otherwise no changes for eating habits.

9.      Physical exercise is be allowed to any extent, even going to the fitness center and golf courses; remembering Rule 1 when there

10     9. Writing thoughts and impressions as much, and as often, as desired. 

11.   10. Keep up with finances; bills, budgets, deposits, taxes.

12.   11. Continue the journal to capture the daily thoughts.


Sorting out and purging belongings, such as books and files, tools and materials, clothes and accouterments, is encouraged in order to get rid of that which is no longer of use.  Construction, repair, and maintenance of whatever is allowed; always in accordance with Rule 1.


TV is allowed after 9 PM for news and movies with Carola since this is the only together time that we have.  There may be difficulty filling other time with some sort of productive activity. 


According to my rules, above, anything that is not electronic or social is fine.  So, I can cook, bake, go out for necessities, exercise, answer Voice jobs, audition, rehearse, shoot pool, play golf, or walk but always according to Rule 1. 


I can clean, fix, construct, purge, sort, and donate to my heart's content.  I can think, and write to get thoughts on paper, but I realize that the important thoughts, the life changing thoughts, will be with me, written or not.


This is not quite the same as being isolated, as were the principals mentioned above, but it brings about an introspection not otherwise possible.  This will again be a challenge.  Doing without electronics will be especially difficult; the second most difficult will be Rule 1.



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