Friday, October 30, 2009

My World

I am aware that foresight with a realistic appraisal of current situations is important to see disparate influences, realistically appraise the eventualities, and have alternatives that minimize the effect of unforeseen circumstances.


In a turning world
Changes are the horizon

Rise to see

Yes I see it
But do I want to
Yet it will happen
See it or not

My present passes beneath me
Am I willing to let it go


Foreseeing it
Change what can be
Accept what can't be

Let this go
For that

Want to or not

My vision is work related. At the end of the day I will have advanced my understanding, have been aware for longer spans of lifetime, have assisted and been assisted by others.

My Life

It is sunrise
I stand at the wheel

The silver disk rises from the sea
Chains on Phaeton's chariot clang

I will have known
I will have understood
I will have helped
I will have been helped

It is sunset
I stand at the rail

The orange disk drops into the sea
The rattle of the chariot recedes

Who has helped me
What more do I understand
Where am I
Whom have I helped

I go below
Plot my course

This is my life

Most of what I do is mundane, daily stuff that has to be done. Life is what happens besides all of these mundane things but can't happen without taking care of them.


Do daily tasks

But skipped only at a risk

If one doesn’t do the dishes…
If one doesn't make one's bed…
Soon enough events overtake one
And the mess has to be addressed

The cupboard is bare
The bills must be paid

A movie
A game

But take care
Lifetime is passing
One only has the between times
To ascend the scales

The energy for it is scarce
And the regimen obscure

Seek and ye shall find

Taking care of business, day to day

And So Goes the Day

Six plates
Six sticks

Spin one
Then two

All a-turning
Ach! The first one is falling
And the second is slowing
Spin them up!

Six plates turning
All at different speeds

They fall
Clatter, shatter

Shards on the floor
Splintered and scattered
What a mess
Get a broom

And more plates
Spin them up

How many is enough

The positive, constructive and enthusiastic takes more energy than the negative and destructive but they are poles of the same persona



Same being
Poles apart

Shakespeare's weaver
Restores the sleeve
Unraveled is the chaos of fatigue
Knitted is the order of love

Psychic energy
Source of order

Youth has deep pools
Aging silts them in


Reverse the entropy
Order from chaos

Our purpose

So much is found through understanding, Reasoning paves the way but insights of understanding are what happens.



It starts from where I am
And goes on forever

I won't tell you
You won't ask
I could tell you
You won't hear

A mass of knotted string
With two ends

Both lost
In the snarl

I follow
Never tugging
Am I in the middle
Or close to an end

Such is the truth
Be ready

To understand

The Truth is what we think we know and as we delve into it we find more and more of it. Like the muddy geode that gives no promise of its marvelous interior, yet that crystalline labyrinth is there.


It is here
It is there

Here nor there

Simple and profound
Hidden in imagination
Found and discarded

Think and ponder,
Infer, deduce, and rationalize

The particle
The universe

Search for it
Recognize it
Lean against it
Live according to it

Ephemeral life
Eternal Master


Females of all ages puzzled me until I figured this out. Although it doesn't exactly fit each, it is a pretty good generalization and hits on some, if not most, observed characteristics.

Woman's World

Out of shape

I think about my make-up
My hair, what I wear, and don’t

I walk about
To get you to look
Annoyed when you do
Vexed when you don't

I like sex
But not with you


I’m prissy and bitchy
But I get along
Do what I want
And you'll have peace

Young or old
Younger or older

So it was, is, and will be.

Males deserve a similar analysis and they are usually gentle beasts who only become active when stimulated

Man's World

Out of shape

I think about my manliness
How I look, what I will eat, and drink

I walk about
Looking for opportunity
Easily put off
Unsure when not

I fantasize
About most females


I abide
But I will act
When stimulated
Otherwise, just let me be

Young or old
Younger or older

So it was, is, and will be.

I am aware that there is nothing except the present.


Not yesterday
Not tomorrow


Not this morning
Not this evening
It is always

This lifetime passes
One instant at a time


It is now
It is only now
There may be more
There may not

I am alive
I live

This is me

Of all that can be done, what I am doing is the most desirable. When I compare this to other activities such as a business, I am suddenly aware that I am happier here than there. So I'll stay here for a while longer.


At all
I do my best

Soar high
Alight to walk about

When compared to ever
I am happier here than there
Others seen are not envied
So I remain here

I realize
I can express joy

Find a door
Into a room

Who is here
Whom will I know
Whom will I meet
What will they say

I enter

This is what I do

The situation often seems insoluble, people intractable, costs too high, schedule too tight. Then as if by magic the solution appears and chases all the clouds away. (For Joe Bltzpk--google Al Capp)



Clouds of doom

Something must be done
What, a mystery
Yet something must be done
To let me go on

Joe Bltzpk is now my hero
This couldn't have gone more wrong

Ah, morning arrives
Where was this thought yesterday?

That sound
It is humming
It is me
Hello friend

The sun shines bright
On my old Kentucky home

Problem solved

Relevance is relative

Out to Pasture
An old boat
Sails full of wind

Waves steep
Tide averse

Tacking duels
See only sterns
Crews are scarce
Sea stories unheard

Irrelevant to those in the race

Relevant to the very young

When asked
Pass them along

Buck up me hearties
You may also sail this boat

Into the sunset

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