Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Character Study: Professor Plum in Clue, The Musical

I am Robert E. Peabody, also known as Professor Plum.  I was born on March 27, 1959 in Springfield Massachusetts.  My parents were rather well to do and I had what could be considered to be a privileged childhood.  I attended parochial school, an all-boys catholic high school, Boston College to work on my BA but with difficulty I finished it at Springfield College, a local teachers college.

Upon graduation I went to work for the Springfield Mass school system at the Alfred E. Glickman elementary school where I taught 7th Grade.

After seven frustrating years of working with pubescent teenagers, I switched to teaching Composition and Rhetoric at the senior level at Commerce High school.

I had the dream of becoming the principal of a school and worked towards that through extracurricular activities in the community.  I became friends with the Chairperson of Academy Hill High School and she saw to it that I was hired there, then helped me advance to a position of prominence in the school.

When my parents died they left me a considerable inheritance and I bought my way into the school and persuaded my patron and her colleagues to make me the headmaster.

In carrying out my fundraising obligations to keep the school afloat, I was introduced to the CEO of an oil company, both she and the company will be nameless here for privacy reasons, and we became lovers.

She saw to it that there were donations made to the school from the company and it was a quite cozy relationship.

Then about five years ago along came Mr. Boddy and, through loathsome chicanery, he drove down the stock price of the patron company, caused my CEO paramour to get fired and the donations to my school were stopped.

Needless to say, the school fell upon hard times, I lost a lot of money and prestige as a result and harbor much ill will towards Mr. Boddy.

I was introduced to Mr. Boddy as a certain Professor Plum; he hired me to write a book for him about the government involvement in the oil industry.  He wasn't too careful about checking my credentials and, since I am quite adept at writing in English, the ruse was successful.

He agreed to pay me handsomely for my efforts but never did.

My objective here at Boddy Manor is to kill Mr. Boddy with the monckey wrench, because he threw a monckey wrench into my life, in the study since that's my line of work.

Some other interesting facts about me:
1. I am not and have never been married
2. I enjoy the company of a variety of women, especially strong and powerful women
3. I am always on the prowl for new conquests
4. I have had a few longer term relationships, the most recent being the CEO of the patron company
5.  I am rather taken by me

There are other guests here at Boddy Manor and I suspect that they will be getting in my way as I go about achieving my objective.

As the action starts, I am in the study reading a book.  I hear and see the other guests, introduce myself and listen to their introductions.

I see that I will have to be interacting with them throughout the events of the evening as I attempt to achieve my main objective of killing Mr. Boddy.

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